Learning Outcome 5 and 6

Learning Outcome 5 and 6

Paper 3 “Reconsidering The Lobster,” is my best project that shows my ability to cite sources using MLA and local revisions. In the very beginning of the essay I first introduce all of my sources. This allows you to immediately know what I’m working with and also, that these aren’t all my owns ideas. I think this could be one of my best locally revised papers. It is structured very well and I believe it’s also organized very well. The paragraph structure is done correctly and it is punctuated correctly. I read it over many times making sure the sentences flowed right and even asked others to peer review the paper. With others looking at my paper other than my classmates was productive. They were more local revisionist rather then the way most of us look at papers globally. Rewording was also a big thing that needed help in my paper. Sometimes I rush my sentences and they end up not being totally clear. In my first draft this was the start to my second paragraph. “I still agree with everything I agreed in after our earlier readings and conversation. I still agree that eating lobsters the way we do is wrong but now I have changed how strongly I believe that opinion.” After rereading I made some changes to make it sound more professional and smoother. “My opinions from our earlier readings and conversations in class have not changed. I still agree that eating lobsters the way we do is wrong, and these recent articles have only strengthened my opinion.” It’s not a different idea but just sounds better.

